Genera included in this tribe:
Buddleja; Emorya; Gomphostigma.
The genera Polypremum (Tetrachondraceae) and Peltanthera (Peltantheraceae), historically considered as members of the tribe, are now known to be unrelated to Buddleja.
Molecular data (Chau et al 2017) suggests the genera Emorya and Gomphostigma are members of a monophyletic genus Buddleja, and therefore renamed Emorya suaveolans as Buddleja normaniae, and returned Gomphostigma virgatum to its original Linnean name of Buddleja virgata. The species correlate phylogenetically with their location, and they can be grouped by continent: Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
Buddleja species were divided into four sections by Leeuwenberg (1979):
SECTION: Buddleja: New World species distinguished by a valvate corolla e.g.: B. americana.
SECTION: Chilianthus: African species with anthers that protrude beyond the corolla e.g.: B. saligna.
SECTION: Neemda: the majority of species from all continents.
SECTION: Nicodemia: African species, mainly from Madagascar, distinguised by forming an indehiscent berry rather than a dry (dehiscent) seed capsule e.g.: B. madagascariensis.
Marquand (1930) divided the Old World Buddleja into four series: Alternifoliae, Curviflorae, Rectiflorae and Gynandrae; this last series was based only on a single atypical specimen of B. paniculata (syn. B. gynandra). Leeuwenberg (1979) did not maintain these series, as he believed the Asian species to be continuous. They are used here for convenience.
Series 1: Alternifoliae - alternate rather than opposite leaves. Diploid (2n=2x=38).
Series 2: Curviflorae - curved corolla tube. Diploid (2n=2x=38).
Buddleja curviflora
Buddleja formosana (sunk under B. curviflora by Leeuwenberg).
Buddleja japonica
Buddleja lindleyana
Series 3: Rectiflorae (incorporating Gynandrae) - straight corolla tube.
These species can be crudely divided by their ploidy level.
Diploid (2n=2x=38)
Buddleja asiatica
Buddleja bhutanica (ploidy inferred)
Buddleja brachystachya
Buddleja crispa
Species sunk under B. crispa by Leeuwenberg, often known by their old species name in horticulture:
Buddleja agathosma (ploidy inferred)
Buddleja caryopteridifolia (ploidy inferred)
Buddleja farreri
Buddleja sterniana
Buddleja tibetica (ploidy inferred)
See the Buddleja crispa Complex page for more details,
Buddleja microstachya (ploidy inferred)
Buddleja officinalis
Buddleja paniculata
Buddleja subcapitata (ploidy inferred)
Buddleja yunnanensis
Tetraploid (2n=4x=76).
Buddleja candida
Buddleja davidii (includes all varieties)
Buddleja fallowiana
Buddleja myriantha
Hexaploid and dodecaploid (2n=6x=114 and 2n=12x=228).
Some B. nivea (notably var. yunannensis) and B. macrostachya specimens are dodecaploid, but it is not known whether this represents nascent speciation in isolated populations.
Buddleja albiflora
Buddleja delavayi (formerly B. heliophila)
Buddleja forrestii
Buddleja limitanea (sunk under B. forrestii by Leeuwenberg)
Buddleja macrostachya
Buddleja nivea
Buddleja stenostachya (sunk under B. nivea by Leeuwenberg)
Buddleja nivea var. yunnanensis (sunk under B. nivea by Leeuwenberg)
Variable high level polyploidy (2n=8x-24x=152-456).
Naturally Occuring Hybrids
These are frequently between plants of the same ploidy.
B. x alata = B. nivea x B. albiflora
B. x wardii = B. alternifolia x B. crispa
B. davidii x B .fallowiana
B. forrestii x B. macrostachya
Section: Neemda
Buddleja auriculata
Buddleja loricata
Buddleja polystachya
Buddleja pulchella
Buddleja salviifolia
Section: Nicodemia
Most are species formerly assigned to the genus Nicodemia.
Buddleja acuminata
Buddleja axillaris
Buddleja fusca
Buddleja cuspidata
Buddleja fragifera
Buddleja indica
Buddleja madagascariensis
Buddleja sphaerocalyx
Section: Chilianthus
Some authorities consider this section represents a separate genus (Chilianthus).
Buddleja dysophylla
Buddleja glomerata
Buddleja saligna
Genus: Gomphostigma
Gomphostigma virgatum = Buddleja virgata
Gomphostigma incomptum = Buddleja incompta
The Leeuwenberg (1979) sections: Buddleja and Neemda
were combined by Norman (2000) and then divided into 12 series.
Genus Emorya included in Buddleja.
Series 1: Thyrsoides
Buddleja bordignonii
Buddleja cuneata
Buddleja elegans
Buddleja kleinii
Buddleja ramboi
Buddleja thyrsoides
Series 2: Oblongae
Series 3: Stachyoides
Buddleja cestriflora
Buddleja grandiflora
Buddleja hatschbachii
Buddleja longiflora
Buddleja misionum
Buddleja speciosissima
Buddleja stachyoides
Buddleja tubiflora
Series 4: Globosae
Buddleja araucana (formerly B. nappii)
Buddleja aromatica
Buddleja cordobensis
Buddleja globosa
Series 5: Anchoenses
Series 6: Glomeratae
Buddleja chapalana
Buddleja corrugata
Buddleja marrubiifolia
Buddleja mendozensis
Buddleja suaveolens
Buddleja tucumanensis
Buddleja utahensis
Series 7: Brachiatae
Buddleja brachiata
Buddleja chenopodiifolia
Buddleja diffusa
Buddleja hieronymi
Buddleja interrupta
Buddleja iresinoides
Buddleja racemosa
Series 8: Lanatae
Buddleja blattaria
Buddleja lanata
Buddleja jamesonii
Buddleja polycephala
Series 9: Scordiodes
Series 10: Buddleja (= Leeuwenberg's Section: Buddleja)
Buddleja americana
Buddleja crotonoides
Buddleja domingensis
Buddleja filibracteolata
Series 11: Verticillatae
Buddleja sessiliflora
Buddleja simplex
Series 12: Cordatae
Buddleja bullata
Buddleja cardanesii
Buddleja cordata
Buddleja coriacea
Buddleja euryphylla
Buddleja ibarrensis
Buddleja incana
Buddleja lojensis
Buddleja longifolia
Buddleja megalocephala
Buddleja montana
Buddleja nitida
Buddleja parviflora
Buddleja pichinchensis
Buddleja rufescens
Buddleja skutchii
Buddleja soratae
Buddleja vexans
Genus: Emorya
Emorya suaveolans = Buddleja normaniae
Emorya rinconensis = Buddleja rinconensis
Chau, J., O'Leary, N., Weibang Sun, Olmstead, R. (2017). Phylogenetic relationships in tribe Buddlejeae (Scrophulariaceae) based on multiple nuclear and plastid markers. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 184. 137-166.
Gao Chen, Weibang Sun, Hang Sun. (2007) Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino-Himalayan region and its bio-geographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154 pages 305-312.
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen B. V., Wageningen, Netherlands.
Li, P. T. (1982) A study on the genus Buddleja L. of China. Acta Bot. Yunnanica 4 (3): 227-240.
Marquand C.V.B. (1930). Revision of the old world species of Buddleja. Kew Bulletin 1930: 177-208.
Moore, R.J. (1960). Cytotaxonomic notes on Buddleia. L. Am. J. Bot. 47:511-517.
Norman, E.M. (2000). Buddlejaceae. Flora Neotropica 81. New York Botanical Garden, USA.
© The Buddleja Garden 2011-2025.